Trulia Phone Interview


1) Difference between interface and abstract class. Write code to show example of each. Can a class derive from abstract class and implement an interface as well? (Yes)

2) Write a function to test a palindrome.

Javascript :
1) What is the difference between
x = 1;
var x = 1;
window.x = 1;

2) Write a function to add an array of numbers using the arguments variable

var data = [1,2,3,4];

function sum() {
   var myData = arguments[0];
   return myData.reduce(function (acc, num) { acc += num; return acc});

3) write a function to implement mult(4)(5)

function mult(x) {
   return function(y) {
       return x*y;

var ans = mult(4)(5);

Still concise :

function mult(num1) {
  return num2 => num1 * num2;


4) Write a function to output alert(1), alert(2) every 1 second till 5 times
Similar to question asked in Ten-X interview.

5) write a function to put spaces in a string “Hello World” ==> “H e l l o W o r l d”.

var spacify = function (str) {
    return str.split('').join(' ');


Is it possible to write a function spacify like “hello world”.spacify()

String.prototype.spacify = String.prototype.spacify || function() {
  return this.split('').join(' ');


Memcached vs APC vs Varnish

Alternative PHP Cache (APC)
APC provides two caching mechanisms.

APC caches the opcode generated during the PHP execution cycle and then later will be able to avoid loading and parsing PHP files repeatedly.
APC also provides a key-value, object cache for PHP applications in shared memory.

Memcached is a distributed, key-value, object cache in memory. This is similar to the object cache provided by APC but there are some important differences. It’s in-memory, while APC’s object cache is in shared memory. This will make Memcached faster, but will also require the memory allocation for it’s storage. The other major difference is that Memcached is distributed. This means that it runs across multiple servers. For example, if you’re load-balancing your application. Generally, the need for a distributed object cache is why you would use Memcached.

Varnish is a caching HTTP reverse proxy. The reverse proxy part means that it sits between your application and the outside world. Visiting your domain will actually connect to Varnish. Varnish will then make the corresponding request to your application and then deliver it to the client. It will cache the results of these requests based on a configuration file you can write in the Varnish Configuration Language.

Varnish is neither an opcode cache like APC’s opcode cache component, nor an object cache like those in APC or Memcached. Varnish operates outside of your application and caches the entire HTTP response such as the whole HTML document returned by your application.

Varnish is extremely effective because it will cache the final resulting HTML document after all PHP or other server side processing is done. This means that when varnish delivers a page from cache, it avoids running the PHP code at all and consequently any database queries involved in generating the document. Delivering a cached page from Varnish is like delivering a static HTML file.

What is Clickjacking?

A clickjacked page tricks a user into performing undesired actions by clicking on a concealed link. On a clickjacked page, the attackers load another page over it in a transparent layer. The users think that they are clicking visible buttons, while they are actually performing actions on the hidden/invisible page. The hidden page may be an authentic page; therefore, the attackers can trick users into performing actions which the users never intended. There is no way of tracing such actions to the attackers later, as the users would have been genuinely authenticated on the hidden page.

What information does the apache access log contain? - - [05/Feb/2012:17:11:55 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 140 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.5 Safari/535.19"

%h is the remote host (ie the client IP)
%l is the identity of the user determined by identd (not usually used since not reliable)
%u is the user name determined by HTTP authentication
%t is the time the request was received.
%r is the request line from the client. (“GET / HTTP/1.0”)
%>s is the status code sent from the server to the client (200, 404 etc.)
%b is the size of the response to the client (in bytes)
Referer is the Referer header of the HTTP request (containing the URL of the page from which this request was initiated) if any is present, and “-” otherwise.
User-agent is the browser identification string.

Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s

Given an array A[] consisting 0s, 1s and 2s, write a function that sorts A[]. The functions should put all 0s first, then all 1s and all 2s in last.

Input = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1};
Output = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2}

This is a variation of famous Dutch national flag problem
The problem was posed with three colours, here `0?, `1? and `2?. The array is divided into four sections:

a[1..Lo-1] zeroes (red)
a[Lo..Mid-] ones (white)
a[Mid..Hi] unknown
a[Hi+1..N] twos (blue)
The unknown region is shrunk while maintaining these conditions

Lo := 1; Mid := 1; Hi := N;
while Mid <= Hi do
Invariant: a[1..Lo-1]=0 and a[Lo..Mid-1]=1 and 
a[Hi+1..N]=2; a[Mid..Hi] are unknown.

case a[Mid] in
0: swap a[Lo] and a[Mid]; Lo++; Mid++
1: Mid++
2: swap a[Mid] and a[Hi]; Hi–

Key Terms and Concepts in Scalability

Performance tuning.- This step would consist of refactoring a web application’s source code, analyzing a web application’s configuration settings, attempting to further parallelize a web application’s logic, implementing caching strategies, detecting hot spots and another series of often invasive — code wise that is — procedures throughout a web application’s tiers. These topics will be detailed as the book progresses.

Vertical Scaling: In scaling terminology, this implies that a box or node on which a web application is running can be upwardly equipped with more CPU, Memory, Bandwidth or I/O capacity. Thus if a web application encounters a greater demand for any of these resources, and you are able to move a web application or one of its tiers to a box or node with greater capacity, you will have vertically scaled an application.

Horizontal Scaling: Horizontal scaling refers to assigning resources on a lateral basis. In scaling terminology, this implies that the node on which a web application is running cannot be equipped with more CPU, Memory, Bandwidth, or I/O capacity and thus a web application is split to run on multiple boxes or nodes.
The process of horizontally scaling a web application is more elaborate than that of vertically scaling. The reason is that by relying on horizontal scaling, you need to devise a way to decouple a web application. The simplest way to decouple a web application is by means of its tiers. Recapping from the previous paragraphs, these tiers would be:

Static content tier.- Consists of static images or other resources that make up an application’s interface and don’t need processing. In most web applications this would be JPEG/GIF images, Javascript libraries, Cascading style sheets or pre-built HTML pages.
Business logic tier.- Consists of a web framework for processing data provided by users or stored in the permanent storage tier. Depending on your preferences, this could be Ruby on Rails, PHP Cake, Django, Grails(Java) or MonoRail(.NET) among many others.
Permanent storage tier.- Consists of a permanent storage location for data. In most web applications this is a relational database system(RDBMS).